Catom Annual Report 2023 EN
Connection with People and Society
number of FTEs (+29%), the average turn over per employee fell by 8%.
At Catom, we prioritize connection with People and Society. This begins with people who work for us and extends to individuals who inspire our society. We consistently act according to and from our core values. Within Catom, we emphasize continuous attention to the sustainable employability and vitality of our employees. We encou rage the physical and mental well-being of our colleagues. We remain committed to achieving our goals and persevere until they are accomplished.
All employees are employed by the Dutch companies. Catom has no employees in other countries. It is expected that, with autonomous growth, the workforce may again decrease slightly as a result of efficiency measures and investments in new technologies. Any drop in the number of employees can be fully achieved through natural attrition. However, it is quite plausible that such a potential drop will be more than offset by further growth, including through acquisitions, and particularly through a further increase of the number of petrol stations operated by the company itself.
Staff numbers and gender ratios
The average number of employees, expres sed in FTE, rose during the reporting year from 382 to 492. This increase was mainly due to the acquisition of petrol stations. Due to the considerable increase in the
The breakdown of personnel by activity is as follows:
• 15 in management and staff positions • 405 in sales and financial departments • 72 logistics employees
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