Catom Annual Report 2023 EN

Risks in relation to financial reporting Catom’s financial reporting is part of a framework that covers its budgeting, reporting and forecasts. A distinction is made between reports for internal use and those for external use. The external repor ting at group level consists of a management report that includes the financial statements as audited by the independent auditor. The internal reporting consists of extensive daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly reports in which current developments are compared to the (cumulative) budgets and results from previous years. At the level of the main activities, financial and operational results are analysed and explained and, where needed, examined in detail. The quality of the financial reporting systems is regularly assessed in the context of the procedures of the independent auditor. We communicate the independent auditor’s findings regarding the quality of the financial reporting as identified in the

context of the audit of the financial statements.

The above contains a list of what we currently consider to be our main risks. This list is not exhaustive. There may be other risks we currently do not consider to be of vital importance, but which may still turn out to be significant.

Corporate sustainability

A major part of Catom’s strategy is the steps it is taking in terms of corporate sustainabi lity. The ultimate aim is to make all fuel driven vehicles sustainable. Catom has an effective strategy for this, given its Connec tion with People and Society, Taking Care of Business Essentials and Customer-Driven Innovation pillars.


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