Catom Annual Report 2019 EN
1.4. Affiliates Affiliates are all legal entities over which the company may exercise control, joint control or a significant influence. Other legal entities capable of exercising control are also considered affiliates. In addition, the members of the Executive Board, other key management personnel of the company and their close relatives are considered affiliates. Significant transactions with affiliates other than wholly-owned group companies are clarified insofar as they have not been entered into at arm’s length. The explanatory notes describe the nature and amount of the transaction and any other information that is necessary for proper insight. 1.5. Notes to the cash flow statement The cash flow statement has been prepared according to the indirect method. The cash items presented in the cash flow statement consist of the cash and cash equivalents. Income and expenditure relating to interest, dividends received and corporation tax are classified under the cash flow from operating activities. Dividends paid are included in the cash flow from financing activities. The cost of acquisition of the acquired group company has been included in the cash flow from investment activities insofar as payment took place in cash. The cash and cash equivalents held by the acquired group company have been deducted from purchase price. Transactions that do not involve any inflow or outflow of cash or cash equivalents, including finance leases, have not been included in the cash flow statement. 1.6. Estimates For purposes of applying the accounting principles and rules for the preparation of the annual accounts, the Executive Board of the Group needs to assess various matters and make estimates that may be of vital importance for the amounts included in the annual accounts. If providing an insight as stipulated in Section 2:362(1) of the Dutch Civil Code requires it, the nature of these assessments and estimates, including the underlying assumptions, is described in the explanatory notes to the relevant items.
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