Catom Annual Report 2023 EN

Primary financial instruments For the principles of primary financial instruments, please refer to the treatment per balance sheet item of the ‘Principles for the valuation of assets and liabilities’.

4.1. Market risk 4.1.1. Currency risk

The currency risk of the group mainly relates to positions and future transactions in US dollars. The number of outstanding transactions of this type is insignificant. The company therefore does not hedge these risks. 4.1.2. Interest risk and cash flow risk The Group is exposed to interest risk on interest-bearing receivables (particularly those included under financial fixed assets and cash) and interest-bearing long-term and current payables (including debts to credit institutions). No variable interest rate arrangements are entered into for the receivables; for the financing of long-term liabilities a variable interest applies. Catom uses interest derivatives to hedge part of this interest risk. 4.2. Liquidity risk The Group has taken out a credit facility with a bank. Where necessary, additional security is provided to the bank for credit facilities that are made available. 4.3. Credit risk The Group does not have a significant concentration of credit risks. It sells only to customers who meet the Group’s creditworthiness criteria.


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