Catom Annual Report 2023 EN
safety and quality and increasing transpa rency in terms of the timely identification, assessment and reporting of risks. The risks in these areas are further mitigated by internal risk management and control systems, which are tailored to the day-to day work environment in which Catom operates, and with considerable support being provided by an extensive system of requirements, procedures and systems in relation to quality assurance, as documented in Catom’s HSE quality manual and in accor dance with ISO 14001 and VCA* (safety, health and environment) standards. Compliance with these standards is audited every year by Bureau Veritas. Using a compliance tool that Catom main tains with a third party, an update was carried out in 2023 to ensure that Catom has all the requisite permits, is in compliance with them, and adheres to all laws and regulations on safety and the environment. This tool was developed containing all legislation and regulations relevant to our
organisation. This tool verifies that we are informed of any changes in legislation so as to be able, if necessary, to take the required measures in time and remain compliant with the relevant legislation and regulations. When changes occur in the organisation in terms of sites or activities, an investigation is done with an external party into whether the inventory is still complete, and adjust ments are then made where necessary. Damage to property and liability towards third parties Catom has taken out an extensive package of insurance policies against risks relating to damage to its property and to property of third parties, as well as other potential liabilities towards third parties. The insurance portfolio is monitored in collaboration with a specialised organisation and, where necessary, specialists in the various insurance fields.
Frank van Hemert Psychic Portrait Anton Heyboer 2020, oil on canvas 180 x 130 cm
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