Catom Annual Report 2022 EN

Improving the IT environment and rende ring business processes more professional is an important pillar in Catom’s strategy. The roll-out of a new ERP system for retail activities and investing in Retail Asset Management are good illustrations of this. We also continue to invest in Business Intelligence, with the process of transfor ming raw data into business information increasingly providing us with relevant management information and commercial insight. IT Governance is also on the agenda where progress has been made to imple ment relevant changes, driven by business cases and user input, in the ERP in a structured way. The security of Catom’s IT environment remains a spearhead that has again been focused on in 2022. The percentage of PDF invoicing has again increased and is now 92% (89% in 2021). The further expansion of the retail network, the takeover of Slurink and the further development of the internal organization led to a further increase in the number of

employees. On balance, the number of employees increased from 338 FTE (2021) to 382 FTE (2022). At the end of 2022, Catom employed 653 people. Catom’s strategy focuses on further growth, both organic and through acquisitions. Catom seeks to acquire market leadership in all segments it operates in. In 2022, Catom’s mission and vision have been further refined and communicated with its people. Catom B.V. has its corporate seat in Breda. Its principal place of business is at Verlengde Poolseweg 32 in Breda. All group companies are wholly owned by Catom. In 2022 management changes took place and related to this also changes in the owner ship ratios. Catom B.V. and its group companies operate mainly in the Dutch market. Nearly 100% of turnover is realised in the Netherlands.


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