Catom Annual Report 2020 EN
If the estimated useful life is modified, the future amortisation or depreciation charges will be adjusted accordingly.
Positive goodwill is amortised on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful life. Negative goodwill is released in the profit and loss account insofar as expenses and losses are incurred, provided that these expenses and losses were taken into account when the acquisition was recognised, and provided that they can be measured reliably. If expected expenses and losses were not taken into account, the negative goodwill is released in proportion to the weighted average of the remaining useful life of the acquired amortisable assets. Insofar as the negative goodwill exceeds the fair value of the identifiable non-monetary assets, the excess is credited directly to the profit and loss account. 3.8. Employee benefits 3.8.1. Periodic remuneration Wages, salaries and social charges that the company owes under the terms and conditions of employment are charged to the profit and loss account insofar as they are due to employees. 3.8.2. Pensions The contribution payable on the reporting year, taking into account the maximum pensionable salary and the deductible, is recognised as a charge. 3.9. Financial income and expenses 3.9.1. Interest income and expenses Interest income and expenses are recognised on an accruals basis, taking into account the effective interest rate of the relevant assets and liabilities. 3.10. Share in the result of non-consolidated companies The results of non-consolidated participating interests are accounted for on the basis of net asset value. Capital gains and losses from one-off sales of tangible fixed assets are included under depreciation.
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