Catom Annual Report 2020 EN

The breakdown of personnel by activity is as follows:

The focus was on technical and commercial training. Permanent attention is also given to the training of employees who are responsible for the audits conducted in the field of safety and the environment, both internally and by external officials. In 2020, the ERP system was upgraded to the most recent and highest standards and the various businesses have been transferred to that system in controlled

• 6 in management and staff positions • 196 in sales and financial departments • 73 logistics employees

The percentage of women in the company’s workforce increased from 45% to 47%.

Due to the limited number of executive directors (2), the company has not yet developed a policy to achieve a balanced ratio of men and women on the Executive Board. The Catom Executive Board highly appre ciates the efforts and dedication of its staff. Their efforts make it possible to realise the company’s ambition to improve every year, both in terms of performance towards customers and in terms of results.

steps. By the end of 2020 all major enterprises had been transferred.

Safety and the environment

The safety of people and their environment is a first priority for Catom in all of its activities. Catom attaches great value to full compliance with all requirements in the areas of safety, quality and the environ ment. Catom has its own environmental and safety policy for this. It goes without saying that Catom complies with the statutory blending obligations with respect to biofuels; in 2020 16.40% (2019: 12.50%). Catom seeks to strictly use second generation (‘double-counting’)

Automation and training

In 2020, according to plan, investments were again made in the training and education of personnel.


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